Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby cboles » Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:02 am

I haven't worked with a cobb or ecutek flashed ECU in a long time, but you used to be able to do that, so assuming nothing has changed, yes.

mfb wrote:Colby,

Will OP kline be able to log ecus that are locked y Cobb AP and Ecutek?
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby pavlik1 » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:53 pm

Many thanks to freakin, your tool is working wery well. I am just missing the injector duty in % for A4SE900D, have it only in ms.

Many tanks to cboles, the OP2 is now working with the updates firmware.
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby 04sptwrx » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:06 pm

Greetings, first post here. :mrgreen:

This tool works flawlessly in Windows 7 64 bit. The only tweak needed was creating the C:\Program Files (x86)\Romraider folder for the settings.xml file. Easy.

Many thanks - nice work!

pavlik1 wrote:Many thanks to cboles, the OP2 is now working with the updates firmware.

Aye. Also a really nice bit of work. Thank you.
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby mfb » Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:26 pm

freakin wrote:blk try this one


This one works for my win 7 x64 set up. Run romraider editor as admin and identify where defs are. Do the same for the logger. Running it as admin makes the settings be saved.

The latest release triggers option to run app as admin. One on first post causes an error but if your run it as admin should work as well. Just part of win 7 uac quirks, hehe

Any news on calculated parameters and if the switches will get support as well?

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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby Matz » Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:35 pm

I just ordered and received an OP 2.0 adapter for my '03 Evo 8. I am pretty excited about being able to log in standalone mode, and found this thread. But it seems that this tool is only for Subies. Am I missing something here? :)
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby curt5446 » Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:46 am

After reading up on the defogger trigger I would like to use the traction control button as a trigger instead.

Does anyone have the addressing for this?
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby AgentH » Wed May 04, 2011 7:37 pm

to Freakin: Very cool app. It was worth the several hours I put into it so I didn't have to futz with setting up the config file myself. But the fact that it took several hours was still kinda painful. To anyone out there running windows 7 wanting to try this out, here are my suggestions:
    make sure you have the beta version of ecuflash on your comp and make sure you updated your OP2's firmware to the beta.
    Install romraider and get the correct ecu definitions, logger definitions. You'll need these in conjunction with the settings.xml file for it to work. logcfg will look for these.
    If you are running windows 7, Go to page 3 and follow Freakin's instructions for installing mscomctl.ocx. I needed to do this for my desktop (win7 64 bit) and my friend's netbook (windows 7 32/64 bit?). When you download that file, you need to open it using something like winzip or 7zip to extract the files. And I don't know if it's necessary, but I ran the command prompt using admin privledges... ie right click on cmd prompt and choose run as administrator.
    Get the latest version of logcfg from the 1st post of the 1st page. I stuck it in my romraider folder.
    If you did all of that, it should run and the ECU type pull down should have all the ecu defs listed in their cryptic ecu name format. To figure out what ECU you have, open up one of your roms that you made using romraider and look the the redish box. As long as you set romraider up correctly the first time you tuned, It'll have the correct ecu code in there.
    I have a list of 15 parameters that I like to log for tuning. It helped to create a list of these in a text file with the associated parameter number next to each parameter in logcfg. Otherwise if you loose your settings, it's pretty painful going through all of them again. if you have a numbered list, it's easy to go down and select the boxes next to the numbers.
Anyways, hope this helps!
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby eastmentCTD600 » Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:04 pm

I'm a noob, 1st post. I apologize in advance, most of this is new to me.

Attempting to setup standalone logging to my OP2.0 Rev. E with 2GB sd card.

When executing the logcfg.exe (V. I get an error, "couldn't find romraider settings file in C:\program files\romradier\settings.xml". Of course, the settings.xml file is absent from the romraider folder/directory.

Question is, when/how does romraider create this file? I would assume settings.xml is a compilation of the ECU defs and Logger defs?

*using RomRaider version
*using the latest ECUdefs and Logger defs.
*romraider works fine although I haven't done anything but read my '07 LGT stock ROM and view the tables/data.

Please advise, thanks in advance. :D

Edit... problem solved, found the file in a hidden folder C:\blah blah\.romraider. works now.
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby torinalth » Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:46 pm

like others have gotten, I get the error of missing settings.xml file. no such file in my RR folder or subfolders. reinstalled RR and still no. did the OCX install on pg 3, and redid .net framework 4.5... still dunno where to find the file. any suggestions?
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby projektdotnet » Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:07 pm

torinalth wrote:like others have gotten, I get the error of missing settings.xml file. no such file in my RR folder or subfolders. reinstalled RR and still no. did the OCX install on pg 3, and redid .net framework 4.5... still dunno where to find the file. any suggestions?

I am not sure which verson of Windows you're running but on Win7 the file you are looking for is C:\Users\yourusername\.RomRaider\ (or a very similar location). To get rid of that bug go into that folder, copy the file the RomRaider directory in Program Files. If you change your settings though it won't update in Program Files, only the other one.
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Re: Openport standalone Config tool Beta

Postby XLR8T » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:29 pm

Im running windows XP 32bit... Framework 3.5 installed.

Issue with original download link and with the version recommended for "blk" a few pages in...

Thank You for writing this software!
I used the website last time to get my tactrix cable logging for fun, but the site doesn't seem to work now and I just had my laptop stolen from my car last week... so onboard logging would be awesome!

Having software to write my logging files that doesnt rely on a distant server would be AWESOME!! :D
The other file you recommended to another user:
logcfgERROR_blk1.JPG (49.4 KiB) Viewed 58431 times
logcfgERROR1.JPG (49.74 KiB) Viewed 58431 times
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