Moderator: Freon
; the "ascii" channel type can listen on any protocol for incoming numeric text
; the default protocolid is 9, which corresponds to the 3/32" jack receive-only serial port
; the default baud rate and setting are 9600,N,8,1. all of these can be changed for other scenarios
; the ascii channel considers anything other than the characters {'0'-'9','+','-','.','E','e'} to be a
; delimiter between different numbers. furthermore, the carriage return and line feed characters are
; considered to mark the beginning of a new row of data. you can sample data from a particular column of
; numbers by choosing a paramid starting at 1 which indicates the column number
; in the case of the AEM UEGO, there is simply one column of data, and it is already scaled appropriately
paramname = AFR
paramid = 1
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