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Checksum question

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:54 am
by student_scheire
I've got some trouble with a 53040007 rom.
ROM pulled successfully from the ECU but unable to modify the maps.
Ecuflash recognizes this rom as a 53040007 but doesn't show any maps with several different xmls (that can be found on, none of these xml's make any result

When I edit the rom 'ECU ID' with 'Hex edit' to a 53040010 on the 0x5002a adres, I'm able to open the rom with a 53040010 XMl (With a few adjustments in the XML-adresses of course), I'm able to modify the ROM. Afterwords I can change the ECU ID back to 53040007. When I open afterwords with ecuflash it recognizes a chechsum fault (which is normal I guess), Ecuflash is able to repair the fault but I'm sure there is a normal way without danger to get into the maps?
When I would aply this, and things go wrong, it could be a hilarious DIY story... so anyone? :D
backup - Kristof.hex
(1 MiB) Downloaded 1089 times

Re: Checksum question

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:30 am
by martymonaro
Here is the correct XML for you.


Re: Checksum question

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:43 am
by student_scheire
Finally a working Xml :d thanks dude!