Could it be that the Load scaling is in Kpa absolute pressures.
so 230 = 1.3 Bar Boost = 2.3 Bar absolute pressure.
My EU Spec Evo 7 has a peak Bosst of 1.33 Bar and 1.2 Hold .
Also, the OE ECU has a the Fuel cut at around 1.4 Bar Boost = 240 Kpa = 2.4 Bar absolute.
Also the Load cells always max out at 260, will be 1.6 Bar Boost.
Thats excactly is what the Tuners know, that the OE Ecu is only mapped to 1.55 Bar Boost.
The Ralliart Ecu is mapped up to 2.2 Bar Boost ( maximum the stock turbos can do in low revs) so will be 320 Kpa absolute, exactly as posted roms show.
But the load is only an calculated number from Airflow/rev, Temperature and Baro correction, so it will have some small "errors".
The Japanese Engineers always work wit SI - Units, they never work with PSI / Bar / inch or something that way