I am here seaking information on how i would be able to get in to the tcu. The tcu being the limiting factor of all electronic automatic cars.
I have made my own full manual set up using a ratchet shifter in 2 other cars but i do not want to start hacking up my legacy just yet. I see there is a need for this for many others. because the auto trannys have in a sence a closed loop learing built in for time to shift to maintian smoothness. so any modifications to the valve body or pressure control end up being tuned out.
Also i am sick of oem shifting protocalls, ie when the car is in manual mode .. its still not truley manual the worst part being down shifting takes a long time if i give it a shot of gas to get the sped to sync the shift ends up taking even longer.
Imagine not being able to tune the engine and turn off other safety's trying to make power with little bolt ons that do nothing.
I have been looking through defenitions how they work and from what i see its very simalair to simple micro processors each cofiguration has an address.
so whos leg do i have to hump to learn how to do this ?